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The International Bestseller
Now Published in 21 Languages

Are You Happy Now?
10 Ways to Live a Happy Life

by Barbara Berger

Available as a paperback, e-book, Kindle, and audiobook.

Paperback: $25.00 USD (free shipping worldwide)
e-book: $6.00 USD
Audiobook: $7.00 USD
(The e-book or audiobook will be sent to your e-mail address within 24 hours from receiving your order)

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The audiobook is narrated by Barbara Berger and can be streamed on

What is preventing you from being happy now?

The book asks readers this question and continues… by asking: Is it your partner, your health, your job, your age, your financial situation or your weight? Or is it all the things you think you “should” do? Then Barbara takes a close look at all the things we think and do that prevent us from living happy lives now.

The book’s basic premise is that our thoughts determine our experience of reality—and a clear understanding of this mechanism is the key to living a happy life. This is a revolutionary way of looking at life because most people believe that outer conditions are the reason why they are unhappy. But if outer conditions are not the cause—what is? And the book goes on to explain how we can use this understanding to live happier lives.

The book is very user-friendly because Barbara presents 10 practical ways in which you can use this understanding in your daily life, in your relationships, with your children, at work and to care for your body and health. And she gives examples from her own dramatic life since she ran away from home in America at the young age of 18 in protest against the Vietnam War and settled in Scandinavia to her lifelong exploration of the power of mind and the nature of consciousness.


Here is a list of the 10 ways Barbara talks about in the book:


No. 1: Accept what is
The number 1 cause of suffering and unhappiness is wanting life to be something it’s not.


No. 2: Want what you have
The number 2 cause of suffering and unhappiness is wanting what you don’t have.


No. 3: Be honest with yourself
The number 3 cause of suffering and unhappiness is not communicating honestly with yourself.


No. 4: Investigate your stories
The number 4 cause of suffering and unhappiness are the scary stories you tell yourself about life and the world.


No. 5: Mind your own business
The number 5 cause of suffering and unhappiness is minding other people’s business.


No. 6: Follow your passion and accept the consequences
The number 6 cause of suffering and unhappiness is not doing what you want because you think people will disapprove.


No. 7: Do the right thing and accept the consequences
The number 7 cause of suffering and unhappiness is not doing the right thing because you’re afraid of the consequences.


No. 8: Deal with what is in front of you and forget the rest
The number 8 cause of suffering and unhappiness is shadowboxing with illusions instead of dealing with the reality in front of you.


No. 9: Know what is what
The number 9 cause of suffering and unhappiness is wanting absolute satisfaction from relative experiences.


No. 10: Learn to see beyond impermanence
The number 10 cause of suffering and unhappiness is believing we become nothing.

In addition to English, “Are You Happy Now?” has so far been published in 21 languages including Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, India (English), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian and Swedish.

Barbara talks to Nancy Yearout on the High Road to Humanity show about her bestselling book “Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life”. Among other things, Barbara explains why having a more realistic assessment of what you actually can do something about as well as being able to identify what you can’t do anything about is one of the keys to living a happy life.

You can read more about the book in this article Tim Ray wrote about the book for the Danish magazine Liv & Sjæl.


What is the connection between The Road to Power / Fast Food for the Soul and Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life? Read Barbara’s answer.


What people are saying about the book

Cosmopolitan magazine

“Here’s some real news – a self-help book that actually gives you some help! It doesn’t make you think that you are doing EVERYTHING wrong, but shows you how you can—with simple adjustments in your way of thinking—make everything (in life) must easier for yourself. At the same time, the book is filled with easy-to-understand case stories so you better understand Barbara Berger’s wise points. The book ends with 10 simple exercises that are designed to help you change your view of life. And Berger isn’t even holy… clearly a MUST read!"

Berlingske Tidende (Denmark’s biggest newspaper)

”The point is that it’s not outer circumstances that make us happy and this book gives us 10 practical suggestions as to how we can use this understanding in our daily lives.”

Femina magazine

“Feeling blue and grumpy has long been on its way out—and it’s in to be happy. And now help is on the way in Barbara Berger’s new self-help book Are You Happy Now? The book is divided into 10 sections, each of which points to an important step along the way to a happier and more authentic life. The book ends with a series of exercises to achieve this. Very practical. The book is easy to read and gives easy-to-understand guidance in positive thinking. The book will surely give people who are worried about life a real ‘aha’ experience."

Livsenergi Book Club (Sweden)
(Are You Happy Now was the book-of-the-month selection.)
“We’ve had great success with Barbara Berger’s books in the book club over the years and I can promise you that Are You Happy Now? is the most interesting and easy-to-read book Barbara has ever written. The title is a provocative question that really makes you think. I wish that I always jumped out of the bed in the morning with a smile on my lips, but the truth is I don’t. But with Barbara’s 10 Ways (which are based on her life’s wisdom both as a private person and as a spiritual seeker), it really is easier. I had so many ‘aha’ experiences when I read Barbara’s many examples—and by using her practical tools, I really am starting to think differently. Because whether we are happy or unhappy all depends on our thoughts. Try Barbara’s 10 Ways and watch how happiness comes pouring in!!”
Agneta Gynning, Editor in Chief Livsenergi Book Club


Dreamvision 7 Radio

“Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life” was truly amazing as it delved right into the very essence of the human mind. Barbara covers everything one experiences along their journey to freedom within. Once conscious, we realize our thoughts are what we experience in life…thoughts that we choose to think or perceive about everything. The ‘mind your own business’ chapter explains if we honor each other’s earth journey as is, we can actually enhance every relationship. She shares how asking questions of our questions is so key to our healing, even addressing our fear of death...bravo!”
Deborah Beauvais, Founder
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network

Mary Nale, Attune Magazine
"What Barbara Berger has offered us here is a way to make small changes that will have a huge impact on our happiness."


Bonnie Cehovet, book reviewer
"Are You Happy Now? is a book of wisdom to be worked with, to be placed in our lives, to be made part of ourselves." Read the full review here.


Brad Tesh, book reviewer

“Are You Happy Now?” delivers fully with great depth, insight and invigoration. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge and information presented in this book. The language and concepts fit together with fluidity, efficiency and relevance. This book can not only help enhance your life and open your mind to seeing far beneath the surface – it can change your life as well! Phenomenal writing Barbara Berger!"