Barbara Berger, Copywriter (English)
American-born copywriter Barbara Berger has lived in Denmark most of her life and speaks Danish fluently. Barbara has been in the communications business in Denmark for more than 20 years, and during this time she has worked for many of Denmark’s top companies and advertising agencies. She is known in the business for her fast work, clear copy and friendly smile.

Business-to-business communications in British or American English are Barbara’s specialty.

You can brief Barbara in Danish, give her your background material in Danish, and get the results in English! Barbara also translates from Danish to English.

To share her communications expertise, she has taught at the Danish School of Advertising and the Danish Management Forum, among others. In addition, she has written numerous articles for Danish magazines, newspapers and newsletters.

Besides being a copywriter and journalist, Barbara is also an author and has written more than 10 books. Her best-selling book “The Road to Power/Fast Food for the Soul” is published in 30 languages. For more about Barbara’s books, see


"For over 15 years Barbara has been one of my favorite people on Earth. Not a bad endorsement considering we were competitors for most of that time. She has a rare mix of creativity, amazing insight and boundless energy. She is an excellent problem solver with unwavering ethics. Barbara has been a trusted friend and source of inspiration for me. I'm pleased to say that today we have a more collaborative relationship and I look forward to any opportunity to work with her."

Sean Duffy,
Partner, Creative Director The Duffy Agency

Kastelsvej 21B, st. th. > DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø > +45 35 26 40 77